Thursday, January 24, 2013

Christian Unity

"Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace." Ephesians 4:1

The past 2 weeks, I have been meeting more of the Church in Marseille.
The Friday I got back, I went to a lecture hosted by a local church, entitled "A Brief History of the End of the World", given by a Professor at the Theologoical seminary at Aixe.

That Wednesday, the CEMistes were invited by a young-adults group from the Parish of Merlan. The Catholic Parish of Merlan includes the University where Constantin lives, so the group is largely composed of students. We ate a 3 course meal, about 40 of us around the table, and after we did the dishes together. Doing the dishes was my highlight of the week. About half of their group and half of our group came into the kitchen to help with the dishes, and while we worked we sang joyous songs.
After the dishes, we all sat together in their lounge and prepared 3 songs together for the "Prayers for Unity" service the following week. Then the youth of Merlan sang us some of their choral songs from a variety of African countries and languages. One fellow drummed along with all of our singing.
The CEMistes loved being with the Merlan group; they are so full of life and love for the Lord. Most of the students are from Africa and are shocked to arrive in "Christian" France and find hardly anyone who believes in God. Some of the students at the Merlan church aren't Catholic, but find the Merlan Parish youth group their best refuge on the faithless campus.

The "Prayers for Unity" service was Wednesday, January 23. There were 4 nuns there, at least 2 priests, members of the Syriac church, the students from the Merlan parish (who brought their drums and guitar to lead the singing), an Indian family, Catholics, Protestants, some folks from Britain and many others that I didn't get a chance to meet. Our small chapel was pretty well packed.
Praying for unity is the best way to achieve it. Churches have been "discussing," arguing for ages over doctrinal/vision differences, splitting and splitting. Rather than discussing with eachother our differences, we bring our differences before God and ask Him to bring us together. If we supplicate at the same time and the same place, we are already together! Praying for unity is the win-win solution to our disunity.

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