Friday, August 2, 2013

"Lord, Reign in Me"

On our Choral Tour back in April, the Harmony Chorus had a repertoire and a fixed order that we stuck to every night. Our last song was "The Lord Bless You and Keep You," but our last last song (as we almost always sang for an encore) was our French translation of "Lord Reign in Me" which, translated back to English, is:

"Be the Lord of my desires,
My life, my heart and my future
I submit to you all that I do
Come be the King over all of me."

And in this last minute of the concert, this song would produce a flashback/forward moment in my head, "back" for a view of all the crazy things I'd done in the past year as a missions apprentice, and "forward" as though peering over a cliff into the unknown of location, vocation; singing next to Joelle who has all the same questions plus that of marriage and finances; looking out over an audience that had just sat through a spiritually moving evening that challenged them to reevaluate what they were living for; hosted by a church congregation so small that its future was clearly in the hands of God.

Three months after the concert tour, I have finished my year as a CEMiste/missionary apprentice and am back in a position where anything can happen if I rest in God's hands.
And you, faithful reader, I challenge you to accept the challenge of "Lord Reign in Me", and the lessons you've learned from this blog and to "be strong and courageous."

The Harmony Chorus at All Saint's Church in Dublin

The 2013 Graduating CEMistes ready to face the future!

This is intended to be the last official post, but if you wanted to hear any more anecdotes about the year of CEM or have any questions for me, feel free to comment below.