Quotable Quotes/Notable Notes

Some funny/poignant quotes from this year! Quotes are translated into English and slightly edited to increase their poignancy/humor.
"One name of Jesus that you don't find in books like Praying the Names of God: the friend of tax-collectors and sinners!"

"I heard a man say the other day that he had heard on TV that religion is the opiate of the people. (bah!) The television, video games, maybe. But it's not religion that is the opiate of the people."

"Where ever you are as a missionary, you should think you are in the best place in the world!
You can come as a missionary with all the answers, or with all the questions."

"Satan invented the first advertisement: 'eat this! You'll be like gods!'
It was a lie, like most advertisements.
His new lie today is that, through modern technology, we can have God's power without pursuing his holiness. Would conquering death by science be a victory? Imagine an immortal Nero, Louis XIV, 3rd Reich etc. Death puts a limit on sin in the world."

"Do you pray?"
"Well, I'm not very good at staying in touch with people in general."
One coworker to another at my 2012 summer job

Particularly Notable Class Notes:

From the Gospel of Luke:
"In the parable of the prodigal son, the two sons are similar:
The first son leaves home, the second refuses to enter his home for the party.
The first knows hunger, the second refuses to eat the party food.
Both don't understand and misinterpret the love of their father.
The prodigal son's conversion is NOT exemplary: he comes back to his father because he's hungry! No sinner was ever rejected by God, but God is rejected by many sinners."

From our course on Apologetics:
The Skeptic's Prayer:(Skeptical of God? Maybe you should try it!)
God, I'm not sure if you exist or not. It could be that I'm talking to nobody, or that you've been there all this time listening to me. If you are really thee, please let me know, one way or another, because I want to know. I just want the truth, whatever that may be. If you are the truth, I'm here and I'm ready to follow you where ever you may take me."

From our mini-class on Angels:
"There are 8 things that we will do in heaven without ever getting bored: get to know and love God, get to know and love the angels, get to know and love human beings, and get to know and love ourselves. If you're afraid of being bored, you should avoid hell. The only thing to do in hell is to contemplate and love yourself."

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